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Handraising Baby Green Cheek Conure

If you are thinking of handraising a baby green cheek conure, you need to be prepared for a lot of work and dedication. Handraising a baby bird is not easy, but it can be very rewarding and create a strong bond between you and your parrot.

Here are some tips and guidelines to help you handraise a baby green cheek conure successfully:

  • Food temperature: The food you feed your baby conure should be warm, but not hot. The ideal temperature is around 40°C (104°F). You can use a thermometer to check the temperature before feeding. If the food is too hot, it can burn the crop and cause serious damage. If the food is too cold, it can slow down the digestion and cause crop stasis.
  • Amount of food: The amount of food you feed your baby conure depends on its age and weight. You can use a syringe or a spoon to measure the food. A general rule is to feed 10% of the body weight per feeding. For example, if your baby conure weighs 50 grams, you should feed 5 ml of food per feeding. You should feed your baby conure until its crop is full, but not bulging. You can check the crop by gently feeling it with your fingers. If the crop is empty or has air bubbles, you need to feed more. If the crop is hard or swollen, you need to feed less.
  • Recipe: The food you feed your baby conure should be specially formulated for handfeeding baby birds. You can buy commercial handfeeding formulas from pet stores or online. You should follow the instructions on the package to prepare the food. You can also add some probiotics or vitamins to the food to boost the immune system and prevent infections. You should never feed your baby conure human food, cow’s milk, or honey, as they can cause serious health problems.
  • Interval between feeding: The interval between feeding depends on the age and development of your baby conure. When your baby conure is very young (less than 3 weeks old), you need to feed it every 2 to 3 hours, even at night. As your baby conure grows older and starts to feather out, you can gradually reduce the frequency of feeding to every 4 to 6 hours during the day and once at night. When your baby conure is fully feathered and starts to eat solid food, you can wean it off the handfeeding formula and switch to a balanced diet of pellets, seeds, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Temperature of the brooder: The brooder is where you keep your baby conure warm and comfortable. You can use a plastic tub, a cardboard box, or a cage as a brooder. You should line the bottom of the brooder with soft bedding, such as paper towels, tissues, or fleece. You should also provide a heat source, such as a heating pad, a heat lamp, or a hot water bottle. The ideal temperature for your baby conure is around 35°C (95°F) when it is very young (less than 2 weeks old), and around 30°C (86°F) when it is older (more than 2 weeks old). You should monitor the temperature regularly with a thermometer and adjust it as needed. You should also make sure that there is enough ventilation and humidity in the brooder.

Handraising a baby green cheek conure can be challenging, but also very rewarding. By following these tips and guidelines, you can ensure that your baby conure grows up healthy and happy.

If you are looking for a new cage, a fun toy, or a nutritious food for your green cheek conure, check out our online store Parrot Paradise. We have everything you need to make your parrot happy!

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